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Top 10 Tips on Graffiti Prevention

Graffiti is the commonest form of vandalism in the United Kingdom, and other nations across the globe. The building owners are left with the time-consuming task of cleaning after the vandals. It is for this reason that the authorities and building cleaners recommend that you find ways of preventing graffiti. How can this be achieved? Well, this article offers you all the details.

What is Graffiti?

Graffiti can be defined as words, shapes, and colours drawn or scratched on surfaces. It is done without permission, and may be designed to create a sense of fear or tension to the public. It can also encourage criminal activities such as rioting. Some of the areas at risk include: streets with high traffic, zones near schools, and around the parks. Abandoned buildings and garage doors are targeted as well.

An example of graffiti is shown below:

If you own or have leased a building, you should clean graffiti immediately to avoid sending the wrong message to the public. This costs a lot of money and time. The best option is to prevent it. Here are the top tips on how to achieve this:

1. Have Proper Lighting in Your Building

Graffiti artists are drawn to poorly lit areas. They work during the night to avoid attracting public attention and arrests. By ensuring that vulnerable walls are well lit, you will have discouraged the activity. Just in case you are thinking about saving on costs of energy, you can utilize motion sensors in your lighting system.

2. Use Anti-Graffiti Laminate Coatings

Various coatings are used to protect the surfaces from graffiti. One of them is the sacrificial coating, which come in form of a spray and are designed to create a barrier on the surface. If graffiti is found, pressure cleaning is done to remove it and the coating.

The second type of coating is the semi-sacrificial barrier. More protection is offered to the surface. High pressure cleaning and chemicals are used to remove the graffiti and coating. You must hence reapply it.

Third, you can use permanent coating. It is more expensive than other options. The coating is made in such a way that the spray paint does not stick to the wall. The graffiti is removed using solvents. The coating does not need to be reapplied after cleaning.

Besides using the three coatings describe here, you can go for an anti-climb paint. The oil-based does not dry, and as such, it is difficult for people to climb the walls.

When looking for the right coating or paint, it is critical to answer the following questions:

Do you need to change the signs and exterior décor in a building regularly?
How often is graffiti seen in your area?
What is your budget?

It does not make sense to spend too much on coatings, if you are likely to paint your walls or change the signs often. Sacrificial and semi-sacrificial coatings may be better option in this case.

Furthermore, vandalism is likely to take place at certain times such as during political campaigns. As such, you must strategize accordingly. You may want to use an anti-climb paint during such moments. Still, you must consider the costs of labour and buying the coatings.

3. Landscaping

Graffiti is effectively prevented when you have bushes and shrubs with thorns growing near the walls. It will be difficult for the artists to paint the walls effectively. Since the plants will take a while to grow, you may want to combine it with other methods such as proper lighting and use of coatings.

Moreover, you can use an ornamental mesh on your wall. It must be installed closely to the wall so that access is limited. A close-woven mesh is better than others because the artists cannot climb over it.

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How to Clean Natural Stone

Still, showing the public that an area is under your care will help eliminate vandalism. The artists target areas that seem abandoned yet accessible by the community. Always ensure that your home or office is clean and manicured.

4. Go For Multi-Coloured Designs

Graffiti is always visible when a wall is painted using one colour. You can discourage it by using many and dark colours on the wall. Also, trying some art work with a consideration of your exterior space décor or business needs is worthwhile. Adding some texture to the paint, for instance, makes it difficult for an artist to exercise their creative prowess.

5. Install Security Cameras

People engaging in vandalism avoid areas with security cameras, since the authorities will identify and arrest them. You should, therefore, invest in a surveillance system. At the same time, you must appreciate that the criminals can interfere with the system’s functioning. Fortunately, technology has evolved to the extent that manufacturers are coming up with cameras that can be hidden easily. You will view the activities at the comfort of your home using a Smartphone and take the necessary security measures henceforth.

6. Organize an Awareness Campaign

Some of the people involved in graffiti painting are usually unaware of the costs involved in cleaning it. They also feel justified based on the issues that they hope to address, and may not be aware of the legal implications. Coming up with a campaign to educate the public on such issues may help in the prevention process. You can come up with meetings and invite law enforcers and youths at risk. It is also important to put up a warning sign in your building.
It may be daunting to organize a campaign on graffiti prevention, if you are uneducated about the issue. Find information on the demographic involved in the crime and the relevant laws. By conducting simple surveys and making observations, you will obtain all the data required in your campaigns.

7. File the Complaints with the Authorities

Many building owners find it easier and cost-efficient to clean graffiti than going to the authorities. However, the law breakers will continue to engage in the activity in your area, if the case is not reported to the police. They should be arrested and fined accordingly.

While making reports, you must:

  • Take photographs of the incidence. It will help solidify your case in the justice system.
  • Try to come up with an analysis of the vandal behaviour.
  • Show some sense of consistency in gathering information.
  • Advertise the activity so that other affected groups can support your initiative.

8. Remove the Graffiti Immediately

One of the major drives for graffiti artists is to paint at night and have an entire world staring at their work the next day. It will be a waste of time and energy if the art work is removed before few or no one sees it. They will avoid your walls in the future.

Want To Know Graffiti Removal Tips?

9. Join a Local Watch Group

If you open your eyes, you will be amazed to know that they are many people in your community that are affected and weary of graffiti. It is important to find and join groups dedicated to eliminating the crime, as it helps you to find the relevant information such as source of funding for the projects. Social media is the ideal and easiest way of finding such support.

10. Build Transparent Fencing

High solid fences attract graffiti artists and as such, you may want to go for the transparent fences. Railings, for instance, will provide all the protection needed in your home or office while at the same time discouraging vandalism.

Just In Case You Cannot Prevent Graffiti

There are instances when graffiti may not be prevented, and you will be required to clean it efficiently and effectively. The following tips will help you through:

  • Find the best graffiti removal products. Harsh and weak chemicals leave your walls damaged to the end that you may be forced to do costly repairs. It will also affect your health. The perfect products should be safe, easy to use, and non-toxic.
  • Utilize the right cleaning techniques. Be aware of all cleaning details to achieve effectiveness in graffiti removal. For example, you should know how long you must wait after spraying the graffiti before wiping it away. It is also vital to distinguish between tough and weak graffiti marks.
  • Budget well. Cleaning graffiti can be extremely expensive, if you are dealing with expansive walls. You must find budget well with the consideration to issues such as the cost of labour and purchasing the necessary products. Also, find out how much the company is willing to cover if you are insured. The authorities may also be willing to cover some of the costs.

Ultimately, it is possible to prevent graffiti in your area. Measures such as use of protective coatings, proper lighting, landscaping, and raising awareness are worth trying. You should also engage an experienced and reputable company to remove the graffiti immediately. One of such companies is the Basildon Stone Limited. It specializes in cleaning stone and brick facades within and beyond London and Essex. The experts use tried, tested, and approved methods of cleaning and hence, all clients are assured of getting value for money.

This post was last modified on February 8, 2019, 1:40 pm

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